Hey there!

We're so excited that you have booked a Love Me Again Market stall at Soul Pantry to sell your pre-loved clothing, shoes and accessories. Read on for all the important info you'll need as well as tips and tricks to help you sell!


The way to our customers hearts is through the previews we share in the lead up to our event. It's been proven that the more previews we can share, the more customers on the day.

Here are the ways you can share to encourage a really great turn out AND more sales on the day! 

  • Share a video IG story of your wardrobe nicely presented and tag us

  • Share photo IG stories of individual key items and tag us 

  • Share our IG posts to your feed to let your followers know the event details

We will share these on our stories to help shoppers see a preview of the amazing finds they will come across. 

Need some inspo? ✨ Head to our IG highlights and click on 'Friends' to see examples of how to share your content. 

And then tell your mum, besties and work wives about the market. We do our very best with advertising but it is word-of-mouth that creates real buzz.

  • The Soul Pantry - 31 Wolverhampton Street, Stafford

  • 8AM - 12PM

  • Contact Issy on 0428 888 508

  • Bump in opens at 7am (1 hour before doors open to the public). You can park and unload earlier than 7am, just wait at the warehouse door at the front of the building. The Market team are go-go-go at this time of the morning so please be patient and wait for doors open. Late arrivals of stallholders (later than 7.20am) will not be allowed to set up due to the safety of shoppers. Please be set up by 7.45am if possible so we can get some social media content to help promote your stall on the day! 

    The Market closes at 12 midday. Please do not start packing down before 12 midday as it will still be busy with shoppers right up to that point! 

  • If you have a friend you would like to be placed next to at the event, please email by Thursday before the event and we will make sure you're positioned together.

  • Each person has a pre-allocated location. Upon arrival, see our staff to find your stall number. Then head in and these will be clearly marked on the ground. 

  • Every stall comes with the following set up. Please do not bring additional racks or tables.

    1.6m heavy duty retail rack, which can hold:   

    - 40 - 50 longer items like dresses, coats   

    - 2 to 3 hanging bags

    1.2m heavy duty shelving and rack unit, which can hold:   

    - 20 - 30 shorter items like shirts or jackets   

    - 5 - 10 pairs of shoes   - Display bags

    Jewellery tray:   

    - Fits 15 - 25 earrings, necklaces, sunglasses 

    Please do not overcrowd your racks.

    We ask you to please store your suitcases back in your car to keep your stall clean and accessible. 

  • We're encouraging bank transfers, EFTPOS and PayPal. Print off your details and stick on the wall so people can clearly read your details.

    Signage (see below for free downloadable posters!)

    Float made up of gold coins, $5, $10 & $20 notes. We recommend a $50 minimum.

    Price tags, pen, paper, blutac

    A water bottle and snacks

    Coat hangers (all the same style is best for a clean, premium look)

    Handy Hint: We recommend pre-hanging all your clothes on coat hangers and then putting in a wheelie suitcases. Suitcases are so much easier to get in and out of the venue (rather than boxes).

  • If customers are taking items to change rooms, we recommend you use our Try On register that you will receive on arrival as part of your welcome back. We recommend you use this to sign your items in and out.

    Watch bank transfers are completed successfully.

    Don’t overfill your racks.

    Use all the same coat hangers for a cleaner look.

    Group together price ranges or similar styles of clothing

    Clearly mark the price on all items of clothing. Customers will often keep walking if they can't see a price.

    Be realistic with your pricing.

  • We have dedicated stallholder parking available in the Louenhide carpark, next door to The Soul Panty at 25 Wolverhampton St!

    Please keep The Soul Pantry on-site car park reserved for our customers. Refer to the map below.


Want to make sure you sell, sell, sell!?

Print out these posters and price tags to bring along on market day to help make your selling experience seamless!